Friday, November 20, 2009

Commentary on a Commentary

I recently read Ricky's commentary on corporate law
Here is the comment I wrote:
I found the topic of your post to be very interesting.
Personally I would agree with Judge Sotomayor. I dont think that corporations should have the same legal rights as people in part because they are not people. They are merely interest groups that lobby in favor of their own interests. I dont believe that anyone who is not tied up a particular corporation themselves can really support that corporation. Although corporations are bigger and represent large sums of people and consumers, I dont think they should be given more legal power in the courts. Our economy is supposed to be symbolic of a free market economy which means that government and corporations co exisist seperately. If we want corporations to have more power in the courts than we should have more government regulation over corporations.
However, I would like to hear your opinion on this. I didnt sense that you were taking a side in your post. Although I appreciate the information you gave I would really like to get a better feel on where you stand on the issue. Overall good post, it was easy for me to read and i found it well written.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Former Vice President Al Gore recently wrote a new book titled Our Choice: A plan to solve the Climate Crisis which is now available at Costco. In an article in The Costco Connection he gives his opinion on our nation’s economy and our environmental issue as well as what the United States can do to solve these problems. He stresses that the main problem is our reliance on foreign oil as a source for fuel. If we give up our reliance on oil it will solve much of the problems with our economy as well as taking a giant leap in saving the planet. The topic of US reliance on foreign oil as a basis to our economic problem as a nation is something that I completely agree with Mr. Gore on. I believe that, although people do not like to admit it the primary reason for the Iraqi war is our reliance on Middle Eastern Oil. Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest oil producer is what keeps our automobile industry afloat. With the tension in the Middle East we don’t know how much longer we can continue to get this supply of oil. So we send US troops to conserve our oil rights. Meanwhile we find ourselves in the midst of terrorist attacks and war between ourselves and Iraq. The war has drained the United States of its finances and we still have the problem of whether or not we will continue to receive enough oil to satisfy our demand. Simultaneously cars are destroying our environment and although we are in a “go green” phase right now hybrid cars are still not popular. Mr. Gore offers some solutions that I would like to see implemented. First we need to find an alternative fuel. This will decrease our reliance on oil from the Middle East and sub sequentially the need for war will be far less. Also since we have cut down so many trees, we need to compensate for this by planting trees. However, in Austin it’s hard to come across a field that isn’t getting ready to be used for the building of houses, highways, or the building of an HEB or Wal-Mart. I don’t think that we are in desperate need for more Wal-Mart’s and HEBs. I think we could live without more toll roads and our population is not that big that we need to build more houses and apartment complexes or business buildings that will still be available for rent a decade from now. If we are unable to go without destroying a field, how do we plan on planting trees without cutting more down? I think that our economy and our environment are falling apart as a result of our greed. Our greed for oil and our greed to get more of what we already have.