Friday, November 20, 2009

Commentary on a Commentary

I recently read Ricky's commentary on corporate law
Here is the comment I wrote:
I found the topic of your post to be very interesting.
Personally I would agree with Judge Sotomayor. I dont think that corporations should have the same legal rights as people in part because they are not people. They are merely interest groups that lobby in favor of their own interests. I dont believe that anyone who is not tied up a particular corporation themselves can really support that corporation. Although corporations are bigger and represent large sums of people and consumers, I dont think they should be given more legal power in the courts. Our economy is supposed to be symbolic of a free market economy which means that government and corporations co exisist seperately. If we want corporations to have more power in the courts than we should have more government regulation over corporations.
However, I would like to hear your opinion on this. I didnt sense that you were taking a side in your post. Although I appreciate the information you gave I would really like to get a better feel on where you stand on the issue. Overall good post, it was easy for me to read and i found it well written.

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