Friday, December 11, 2009

RE: Commentary on Sending More Troops to Afganistan

I also want to see an end to this war, and it would be great if that end was a peaceful one. However it seems that the Taliban are not ready to end the war and from my understanding that is a definate factor in why President Obama is sending in more troops. But doing so is making a big sacrife on behalf of our country. From an economic viewpoint this war has already left our economy struggling, additional war funding is only going to dig us deeper into an economic hole. Also there is the border issue. When we have illegal immigrants who come to the United States willing to work for practically nothing, citizens lose jobs. And there are already so many layoffs that we need as many job opportunities available for our citizens as we can get right now. The war is mostly to blame for this. We are spending too much money on a war that has in my belief lost its point. Its really not fair to send more troops oversees when we are not really sure what it is that we are fighting for anymore.

Before being elected president, Obama promised to get our country out of this war, but by the way things look we will still be in war by the end of his first administration.

You also mentioned that other countries should join the US in a war against the Taliban. However that would turn this war into a world war. I do not want to see it go that far. The Taliban is one group of people and to let that one group affect a numerous amount of countries seems ridiculous. I do agree that we need peace to be made but I dont see how continueing the war is making peace. Its just doing the same thing that we have been doing for the past decade. We need to try something new. I think that at this point the best thing for the United States is to pull out.

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